antioxidant advancements

They’ve been praised & put-down.
But skeptics, I am here today to prove otherwise!

There’s been a new discovery that involves a fancy, fundamental pathway within every cell in your body that responds to oxidative or chemical stress (Nrf2/ARE). 

Think of it as a light: it has an on/off switch.

But what is this Nrf2/ARE switch exactly?

Without totally losing you, think of Nrf2 as a woman in a relationship that in reality is a cellular chemical that convinces your DNA to makes certain proteins (because we ladies bestow the skill of persuasion). 

She is nicely bound outside of the nucleus in a comfortable arrangement, but is released when under chemical stress (he cheated on her with his hairdresser).

Nrf2, newly single, then finds her way to the nucleus (where her secret crush is known to hang out); she flirts with him, he introduces himself as ARE (antioxidant response element).

The switch is flicked & after a few Pimm’s cups the 2 lovebirds create a new range of antioxidant, detoxifying, protective & anti-inflammatory enzymes! 

You simply can’t imagine the fireworks between these 2.

It doesn’t stop there… once that switch is on, over 200 beneficial genes are activated including DNA repair, breakdown & removal of toxins, strengthening of cells & a decrease in inflammation (to name a few)!

Why does this delight me (& hopefully you)? Because, so far, the majority of agents studied to switch it ON are plant chemicals (are we really that surprised?).

Which plants promote this Nrf2/ARE pathway? 
So far, the research has focused on a just a few:

curcumin (from turmeric)
-green tea
-broccoli (especially the sprouts)

Essentially research shows the Nrf2/ARE pathway promotes:

  • healthy ageing & longevity
  • protection from cancer development
  • benefits in any illness involving inflammation & oxidative damage
  • protection from radiation
  • benefiting diseases resulting from toxin build-up (even heavy metals)

There are still many questions to be answered, research to be conducted. These findings, however, are pretty incredible for our understanding of certain antioxidant mechanisms, one that will only become better understood with time.

Reference: Bone, K, 2012. ACNEM Journal, a new insight into herbal antioxidants, vol 31 no 2.

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